The Meteoric Rise of Women's Sports: A Gold Rush of Interest and Money

Take whatever you think you know about women's sports and throw it out the window, because numbers prove they aren't just trending, but here to stay. Howard Megdal, founder of women's sports publication, reveals the meteoric rise of interest and money in women's sports. From skyrocketing expansion fees to record-breaking investments, the future of women's sports is brighter than ever.

The Growing Market Viability of Women's Sports

Explore the expanding market viability and independent interest in women's sports.

Women's sports have transcended the boundaries of traditional fandom, with a growing market viability that is impossible to ignore. The misconception that women's sports are only a subset of men's sports is being shattered as independent interest in women's sports continues to surge. The Venn diagram of sports viewership is not limited to just men's sports enthusiasts; there is a significant and dedicated fan base that solely supports women's sports.

One of the most telling indicators of the market viability of women's sports is the skyrocketing expansion fees. In 2020, the National Women's Soccer League added Angel City FC, and the team's ownership had to pay a $2 million expansion fee. Fast forward to April of this year, and a San Francisco team had to pay a staggering $53 million as an expansion fee. These record-breaking figures highlight the confidence and investment pouring into women's sports.

The surge in market viability is not limited to soccer. The WNBA has also experienced a significant increase in financial success. In February, the Seattle Storm sold a 14% stake in the team for a whopping $151 million, surpassing the previous record for a WNBA team. These groundbreaking investments demonstrate the growing recognition and value of women's sports.

Record-Breaking Viewership and Digital Engagement

Discover the unprecedented viewership and digital engagement in women's sports.

Women's sports are captivating audiences like never before, with record-breaking viewership and digital engagement. The FIFA Women's World Cup in New Zealand witnessed an astounding increase in attendance, with over 25,000 fans attending each match. This marked a 29% increase compared to the previous World Cup in 2019. The surge in attendance is a testament to the growing interest and support for women's soccer.

The WNBA has also experienced a remarkable surge in viewership. The league reported a 67% increase in viewership compared to the previous year, with over half a million people tuning in to watch each game. This surge in viewership reflects the growing popularity and recognition of women's basketball.

These unprecedented numbers not only showcase the immense potential of women's sports but also dispel the notion that women's sports are less exciting or less marketable than men's sports. The record-breaking viewership and digital engagement are a clear indication that women's sports have a dedicated and passionate fan base.

The Future of Women's Sports: A Promising Outlook

Explore the bright future of women's sports in the United States and beyond.

The meteoric rise of women's sports is not just a passing trend; it signifies a promising future for women athletes worldwide. The surge in interest, financial investments, and viewership has solidified the position of women's sports in the sports industry.

From a market viability standpoint, women's sports have proven their worth and potential. The substantial investments and expansion fees speak volumes about the confidence and belief in the future success of women's sports.

The future of women's sports is not limited to the United States; it extends globally. The increasing viewership and engagement in international events like the FIFA Women's World Cup highlight the universal appeal and growing interest in women's sports.

As the momentum continues to build, it is evident that women's sports are here to stay. The dedication and passion of fans, coupled with the financial investments pouring into the industry, paint a bright and promising future for women athletes around the world.


The meteoric rise of women's sports is undeniable, defying stereotypes and capturing the world's attention. The growing market viability, record-breaking viewership, and unprecedented financial investments are clear indicators of the bright future that awaits women athletes. Women's sports have proven their worth and potential, and the dedication and passion of fans continue to propel the industry forward. As we witness this gold rush of interest and money, it is evident that women's sports are here to stay and thrive.


Are women's sports only a subset of men's sports?

No, women's sports have an independent and growing interest that is not limited to men's sports. There is a dedicated fan base that solely supports women's sports.

What are some examples of the financial success in women's sports?

The National Women's Soccer League's expansion fees have skyrocketed, with teams paying millions of dollars to join the league. The WNBA has also seen record-breaking investments, such as the Seattle Storm selling a stake in the team for $151 million.

How has viewership in women's sports increased?

Viewership in women's sports has surged, with the FIFA Women's World Cup in New Zealand attracting over 25,000 fans per match, a 29% increase compared to the previous World Cup. The WNBA reported a 67% increase in viewership compared to the previous year.

What does the future hold for women's sports?

The future of women's sports is promising, both in the United States and globally. The growing interest, financial investments, and expanding viewership indicate a bright future for women athletes around the world.

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