Dallas Wings: A B+ Season with Room to Grow

In a season filled with growth and achievements, the Dallas Wings showcased their potential as a playoff contender. President and CEO Greg Bibb graded the season as a B+, acknowledging the team's accomplishments but also recognizing the ultimate goal of winning a championship. With a revamped roster and a new head coach, the Wings exceeded expectations by finishing in the top four, earning home-court advantage, and winning a playoff series. However, their journey doesn't end here, as they aim to turn their B+ season into an A and continue their pursuit of a championship title.

Setting and Achieving Goals

The Wings' goals for the season and their successful achievements

The Dallas Wings entered the season with clear goals in mind: finishing in the top four, earning home-court advantage, and winning a playoff series. These objectives were not just empty aspirations; the team worked hard and achieved each one. Their dedication and determination propelled them to new heights.

By setting specific goals and working tirelessly to achieve them, the Wings proved their potential as a playoff contender. Their success is a testament to the team's hard work and the leadership of their head coach, Latricia Trammell.

Player Progressions and Standout Performances

The growth and standout performances of key players

The Wings' success can be attributed to the progressions and standout performances of their key players. A prime example is Arike Ogunbowale, who showcased her scoring ability and averaged career highs in assists and steals. Another standout player was Satou Sabally, who finally had the opportunity to display her full skill set and earned the Most Improved Player award.

Additionally, the team's offseason acquisition, Natasha Howard, proved to be a perfect fit as a veteran leader and third star. The young talent of Awak Kuier also shone brightly throughout the season. The collective growth and contributions of these players were instrumental in the Wings' success.

Playoff Triumphs and Lessons Learned

The Wings' impressive playoff run and areas for improvement

The Wings made a statement in the playoffs with a first-round series sweep, showcasing their resilience and ability to overcome adversity. However, their journey came to an end with a semifinals sweep by the defending champions, the Las Vegas Aces.

While the playoffs highlighted the Wings' strengths, they also exposed areas for improvement. The team acknowledged that they were not yet ready to compete at the highest level, and there was disappointment in their performance. This experience will serve as a valuable lesson and motivation for the upcoming season.

Continued Growth and Future Aspirations

The Wings' commitment to growth and their aspirations for the future

The Wings' B+ season was a significant step forward, but they are not satisfied. President and CEO Greg Bibb emphasized the team's commitment to continued growth and their ultimate goal of winning a championship. The offseason will be a time for reflection, improvement, and preparation for the next season.

With a talented roster, a dedicated coaching staff, and a hunger for success, the Wings are poised to build upon their achievements and strive for even greater heights. The journey towards an A season and a championship title continues, and the Wings are ready to embrace the challenge.


The Dallas Wings had a remarkable season, achieving many of their goals and showcasing their potential as a playoff contender. With a B+ grade from President and CEO Greg Bibb, the team acknowledges their accomplishments but remains hungry for more. The Wings' success can be attributed to the growth and standout performances of key players, their impressive playoff run, and their commitment to continued growth and future aspirations. As they strive for an A season and a championship title, the Wings are poised for even greater success in the future.

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